There was a 1,200-acre wildfire burning adjacent to the ski area in November of 2024. Luckily there were no injuries or damage to the property thanks to the quick response of local Firefighters and Butternut Operations Staff. 

Monday, November 18th: Fire is first reported.

Although this fire was called the “Butternut Fire” it started several miles from the ski area across from the Big Y grocery store and made its way over the hills towards Butternut. The cause of the fire is still unknown at this time however, authorities suspect it was most likely caused by human activity as there was no reported lighting at that time.

Lee Fire Chief,  Ryan Brown, said, “In the early twilight last evening, Great Barrington Fire Department was notified that there may be a wildland fire on East Mountain. By 9 o'clock, they had crews on the fire, and they had determined that the safety of the crews was very important because of the dangerous terrain, so they went into an overwatch position, which basically means they observed the fire from a safe distance, making sure that the public and the firefighters were always kept safe.”

Tuesday, November 19th: Mobilized response including National Guard Helicopter and Snowmaking guns.

A National Guard helicopter was dispatched and used our snowmaking pond to fill it's 300-gallon water bucket, making continued trips to drop water onto the active fire areas to douse the flames. Ski Butternut turned on our snowmaking system to saturate the area with water and mitigate the fire risk. Early in the day, the fire itself was not visible from the ski area, only smoke. By the end of the day, the fire was visible on the mountain ridges surrounding the basin. Our staff pulled all night shifts to monitor the fire's progress.

Wednesday, November 20th: Multiple fire companies respond onsite at Ski Butternut to cut fire breaks. “Snowmaking” continues.

By Wednesday, the East Mountain wildfire had burned approximately 1100 acres. The flames were visibly moving down the hills surrounding the ski area The fire encroached from the west and came within a few hundred feet of our trails and lifts. We coordinated with multiple fire departments that were dispatched to the area to ensure that they had access to the mountain and to water sources, including snowmaking hydrants. We had multiple fire companies onsite working alongside our staff to create fire breaks and subdue the fire. Our Operations Staff ran snow guns to wet the perimeter of the mountain in order to prevent the fire from spreading. We provided tools, transportation, and support to the departments on the hill.

By afternoon, the wind shifted, and ashes were falling on the buildings in the base area. Operations Staff came to the rescue and turned on snowmaking guns that we used to soak the buildings. This day was an intense situation, but firefighters and Operations Staff saved the area from the encroaching flames.

Thursday, November 21st: Heavy rain slows the spread of fire.

A well-timed rainstorm moved into the area. Heavy rain started in the early morning hours slowing the wildfire’s spread and extinguishing most of the flames. Flames were no longer visible and most smoke had cleared by midday. Per the Great Barrington Fire Department, “Today’s rain will help to some extent, but it will not extinguish the fire. It will remain on scene for the days and weeks to come.” More than 120 professionals were still on the ground fighting the fire.

Friday, November 22nd: Rain turns to snow.

Precipitation continues and the rain turned into the first snowfall of the year! The top of the mountain saw its first coating of snow and there were flurries in the base area. There are no longer flames or smoke visible. We hope this is the happy conclusion we prayed for, but we will remain vigilant for hot spots or possible fires that may still be burning. 

Monday, November 25th: Smoke Clears. Command Center sets up at Butternut.

The emergency response team has moved its command post to our parking lot and we kindly ask the public not to interfere with their operations. 

We are Grateful.

We cannot begin to put our gratitude into words. Thank you to the Great Barrington and surrounding area Fire Departments, the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation, the Town of Great Barrington, the National Guard, and everyone involved in this massive effort to keep everyone safe. Seeing these amazing individuals band together in the face of adversity has been nothing short of heartwarming.

We are beyond proud of our staff. We are thankful for all first responders everywhere. We are especially grateful for those brave folks who came to our aid when we needed them most. The outpouring of support and well wishes from this remarkable community has been incredible. We sincerely appreciate it.

Operations Going Forward.

We do not anticipate any disruptions to the start of the season. We will begin snowmaking as soon as the temperatures allow, and the forecast looks favorable.

We had some communication issues with our phones, email, and website during these events, so we have extended our $50 off Season Pass Sale deadline from 11/30 to 12/8. We have also extended our 20% off 3-Pack Sale deadline from 11/30 to 12/8.


This map details the firebreaks cut around the wildfire. You can see just how close the fire came to Butternut. The black lines below our logo represent chairlifts.