"Butternut is a god's send...the best nearby skiing I know of as to snow making, lifts, trails and ambiance." -- William Wallace, New York Times


In 1962, a quiet ceremony in Boston celebrated the marriage between a fledgling corporation called Butternut and the Department of Environmental Management of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. It heralded the beginning of a ski resort located on the northern slopes of East Mountain State Forest near the lovely village of Great Barrington. Through this cooperative effort, an award-winning ski area evolved that has become the favorite of many northeast skiers and riders. Butternut's lifts, trails and base facilities complement a beautiful natural setting of evergreen and hardwood forests. It's clear that the area's enviable reputation among skiers centers on providing the best possible snow conditions in a pleasing, relaxed atmosphere. Historically, the Berkshires have been a prime year-round vacation area, and over the years Butternut has become a major focus for those seeking a quality ski vacation.



The underlying philosophy at Butternut is to maintain a proper balance between growth and intimacy. In a bustling world of expanding commercialism, our area remains an island of protected natural beauty, one that Ski Magazine has called "An Environmental Showcase". We believe that skiers should be offered a lovely, uncompromised winter environment, and that's what we do best! While we focus our efforts on making your skiing day at Butternut a truly memorable one, after skiing with us you'll enjoy the quaint, welcoming accommodations which are located throughout the Berkshires. 



"Butternut gets more beautiful every year. How do you do it?" -- Sen. Edward M. Kennedy


The year was 1963. JFK was shot, Lawrence of Arabia won best movie, Beatlemania hit the U.K., and in Great Barrington, MA, a man named Channing Murdock turned the G Bar S Ranch into Butternut Basin. He decided it was a great spot for a ski area, with a northern exposure, good elevation, plenty of water for snow making and only 120 miles from New York City.



60 Years later now, "those are still our greatest strengths as well as our continued commitment to offer quality skiing and riding at affordable rates."

Ski Butternut...Where Families go to Play in the Snow. 


In November of 2024 there was a large wildfire adjacent to the ski area. Tap here to see the detailed account.